Our costumers all over Europe

For exact screw connection.

An unavoidable process is to not arise tapping demand for plate machining operations, and it is almost impossible to find a manufacturing unit within today's metal industry where we would not encounter some method of threading. This additional service is also available at our company and we are looking for the best possible solution. The precise design of the threads is vital for the further use of the manufactured parts, because an incorrectly selected cutting tool makes it easy to make a scrap. In addition, it is usually the last stage of the machining phase, resulting in incorrectly selected tools and faulty settings that work previously invested can be wasted in a moment.

Because we were thinking of a tapping machine, it was an idea to buy a specially developed machine for this purpose. After a short search, we decided to use the ROSCAMAT articulated arm tapping machine. With this machine, perfectly smooth, beautiful and perpendicular threads can be formed on the shapes produced by us. Its simple use and precise design have greatly facilitated the tapping needs of our company.

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Threading - Efficiency and accuracy



Sári Metal - ISO 9001 UKAS sarimetal emt en Sári Metal - ISO 14001 UKAS sarimetal emt en

duns standardD&B D.U.N.S® Nr.:
tuv iso 3834-2:2021 ISO3834 2 2021 2 Eng ISO3834 2 2021 8 2018 ITM MaschinenbedienerzertifikatISO 3834-2:2021 Registered