Defibrillator in Sarim Metal's office

Our health and the health of our environment are particularly essential to us, so our company has made available the possibility of immediate assistance. Everyone knows that the most important factor is time and quick, professional intervention in any case. In order to this, our employees took part in a first aid course and an automatic defibrillator manufactured by Innomed Zrt. was purchased.
This machine greatly contributes to quick and efficient assistance, which is available in our office from 28. 04. 2023.

Team Sari Metal Ltd.


Sári Metal - ISO 9001 UKAS sarimetal emt en Sári Metal - ISO 14001 UKAS sarimetal emt en

duns standardD&B D.U.N.S® Nr.:
tuv iso 3834-2:2021 ISO3834 2 2021 2 Eng ISO3834 2 2021 8 2018 ITM MaschinenbedienerzertifikatISO 3834-2:2021 Registered