When we founded our company, we set customer satisfaction as one of our fundamental goals. In order to achieve this, we have already introduced plenty of technological and infrastructural developments. Our current project is in connection with the digitized processes of IPAR 4.0. We consider the development of IT hardware and software very important, which is why we decided to obtain the ERP system in 2023. After a long search, we chose the Oseon software package developed by TRUMPF GmbH, which fully covers our production from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of the final product. The software also provides sufficient support in production planning, the basic control processes and on-time deliveries. Thanks to this development, our company meet the IT requirements of large companies.


Sári Metal - ISO 9001 UKAS sarimetal emt en Sári Metal - ISO 14001 UKAS sarimetal emt en

duns standardD&B D.U.N.S® Nr.:
tuv iso 3834-2:2021 ISO3834 2 2021 2 Eng ISO3834 2 2021 8 2018 ITM MaschinenbedienerzertifikatISO 3834-2:2021 Registered