2018: Sari Metal Industry and Provider Ltd. obtains Bisnode Group financial 'A' certificate recognized throughout Europe.

The Sari Metal Ltd.'s directorate ,keeping in mind the more aspects, would like to show an accurate picture of himselft, for current and future partners, so the decision was made cause financial perspective may be necessary, and that's why we asked for a certification from the Bisnode Hungary Ltd. financial certificate issuing group. The group gave an "A" class classification which marks our company's certainty for its secure financial background and reliability in the industry. Our goal is to change our future ratings from "A" to "AAA".

About the Bisnode...

The Bisnode rating system is taking into account the hundreds of company, determine on statistical and expert basis, which are the most trusted companies. By examining all the economic sectors, based on international standards, country-specific features are selected by companies with which the risk of dealing is one of the lowest, ie the most trusted businesses in Hungary.



Sári Metal - ISO 9001 UKAS sarimetal emt en Sári Metal - ISO 14001 UKAS sarimetal emt en

duns standardD&B D.U.N.S® Nr.:
tuv iso 3834-2:2021 ISO3834 2 2021 2 Eng ISO3834 2 2021 8 2018 ITM MaschinenbedienerzertifikatISO 3834-2:2021 Registered