Development and growth numbers of Sari Metal Ltd.

Sári Metál Ltd. since its launch in 2008, has been continuously developing both its equipment portfolio and its professional team to meet the highest expectations of its partners.

The diagrams below illustrate that last years offer the opportunity to provide a broader service, also provide the basis for successful long-term collaboration with old and new partners.

That's why we are committed to guaranteeing constant quality in our orders, even in case of increased number of pieces.

We have a complete set of plans for the future summarizing our experience so far, and thus continuously through tenders partly nad through our own investments.

Last 9 years of income

Million €

Illustration of recent years domestic and foreign orders sales.

Machine park development

We have developed our machine park almost every year, taking into account the needs of our customers.

The purpose of enlargement is in two parts.
Part of the need for more efficient work requires machines with higher capacity (load capacity).
The other part, is the installation of a tool park covering all phases of sheet metal production during the entire manufacturing process.

These objectives allow the manufacturing process to run entirely within the company, within a quality assurance and production system.

number of machines

Industry Division (%)

Distribution of industries

Our customer base is made up of companies from a wide range of areas.

There are significant differences in both the quality of the material used and the machining processes in the individual areas, the application of appropriate manufacturing technology, the constant high level of compliance with changing customer expectations, and the basic philosophy of our company.

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Sári Metal - ISO 9001 UKAS sarimetal emt en Sári Metal - ISO 14001 UKAS sarimetal emt en

duns standardD&B D.U.N.S® Nr.:
tuv iso 3834-2:2021 ISO3834 2 2021 2 Eng ISO3834 2 2021 8 2018 ITM MaschinenbedienerzertifikatISO 3834-2:2021 Registered